Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2023
Most Viewed Blog Posts 2023 There was an ad for a metal detector that ran on TV for years. A man spoke earnestly into the camera. “My wife said I needed a healthy hobby.” There was something about it that always made one of my sons and I laugh. It became part of a repertoire between us. Everyone needs a healthy hobby! I have no shortage of hobbies or ways to spend my free time, and of course one of those ways is family history research. It seems there are two extremes and no middle ground in this area: either you are interested or you’d rather hear the U.S. Tax Code read aloud. If you are interested, you don’t want stories to get lost – or lost again, as the case may be. Everything I’ve written about in my blog this year was completely unknown to my family. Researching family history, we also learn a lot about history and places, and I chose to also write about the times and places and pop culture surrounding ...